accounting module helps you save time and increase the
quality of accounting information.
Accounting proves to be the most productive solution.
Accounting helps to easily manage entire business functions
as it is integrated with CRM, Sales, Inventory and other ERP modules.
the creation of basic journal entries to budget management,
analytical accounting to advanced business information reports
acts as an independent management module to meet the accounting
needs of a business, no matter how big or small.
Invoices informations
Odoo Accounting is responsible for accounting and managing minute finances within an organization.
The Accounting and Billing modules are reliable, efficient and robust in managing the accounts and can be easily configured according to the business needs.
It supports user-level access, transnational accounting and financial standards and more.
General settings
Odoo Accounting and Invoicing are diversified in features and functions.
The list includes PDC Management for the management of post-dated checks, payment receipt facilitating easy payment methods for customers and suppliers, manual bank reconciliation which replaces the conventional style of bank statement reconciliation.
The partner ledger with the partner filter, the inventory selection form that allows invoicing to take over the inventory from the customer / supplier invoice, the closing invoice amount that helps to round up the invoice amounts, account journal reports.
Provides additional reports to accountants to ease their business, the PDC payment report providing information about post-dated checks, the balance of old partners in Excel providing the old partner balance sheet in excel format tax invoice report providing business information report.
Odoo helps you generate a series of legal statements by using Odoo Accounting.
P&F, cash flow statements, country-specific fiscal reports, balance sheet, fiscal audit report, consolidated journal report and other filtered statements come in handy with the modules developed in Odoo.
Odoo Accounting helps in automatic synchronization of bank statements, automatic reconciliation.
Reduce the time of data entry by automating the creation of invoices, registering the bank account statement and much more.
Create bank account
Odoo Accounting simplifies every cash order and procures the process payment.
It envisages a complete management of the business by integrating with different APIs of financial and non-financial web services, postal and social media services, improving its capabilities.
Our modules provide an overview of the overall financial status of your business with customizable KPIs and dashboards
Balanță de verificare
Balanța de verificare în format pdf.
Posibilitatea de adăugare sau eliminare conturi contabile.

Jurnal Facturi Furnizor
Generarea fișierului pdf pentru facturile furnizorilor.
Raport pdf și pentru mijloace fixe.
Jurnal Facturi Clienți
Generarea fișierului pdf pentru facturile clienților.
Posibilitatea de generare a unui singur jurnal sau generarea jurnalelor pentru fiecare locație.

Jurnal TVA la încasare
Raport pdf pentru partenerii cu TVA la încasare.
Fișă de cont
Raport pdf cu fișa de cont.
Posibilitatea de adăugare sau eliminare a partenerilor din raport.
Posibilitatea de adăugare sau eliminare a conturilor.

Închidere de lună
Închiderea de lună și închiderea contului 121.
Generarea notelor contabile pentru închiderea lunară și a contului 121.