This module allows you to order food from different suppliers for employees within your company.
It helps you save time in production, ensuring a management of the meal break, by creating a lunch account for employees, from which to provide food to the employees.
It allows to save in the database of food suppliers and products and their price.
It allows employees to order directly from suppliers and can pay from their lunch account or even from their salary.
It allows employees to have control over their Lunch account and be able to see the order history.
Order history
The module allows you to view the employee's food order history, as well as their current status: delivered, canceled, etc.
Also, the employee can cancel an order or order what he has ordered in the past and can change the order status when it was delivered.
You can view all the food products and suppliers, as well as the status of the employee order and the lunch account balance.
An overview of the lunch account of the employees within your company is available.