The Odoo billing module can be scaled according to your business requirements.
By directly linking your bank accounts, you can easily track payments.
Create professional invoices and manage invoices effortlessly.
Invoice created automatically based on sales orders or delivery orders
Send professional-looking invoices directly to your customers with one click.
An invoice contains customer information, payment billing and delivery address, date and billing product information and totals. An invoice can be sent and also from this menu can be reversed
Invoice analysis
O scurtă analiză poate fi făcută în funcție de idicatorii selectați.
A brief analysis can be made according to the selected identifiers. Analyzes can be made based on totals, invoiced quantity or average price.
Simplify your billings
Urmăriți mișcările contului bancar și starea facturilor.
Track bank account movements and invoice status. Use the status overview to help you keep track of projects, paid and unpaid invoices. Automatically record all transactions in your bank accounts by importing and reconciling bank statements.
Payments tree view
Contains information about payment methods, customer, invoice status, value and the date of payment.
This information can be customized according to the client's wishes.